- Failed status you will get mainly for outgoing calls, basically when the number format is invalid or if the number is incorrect.

- Lose-race   For Incoming Calls, when your queue strategy is set to ring-all, let's say 2 agents are assigned to a Queue. And there is an incoming call, an agent who answered the call will get Answered status and the one who failed to  answer will get Lose-race.

For Outbound Calls, you will get this status when an outbound call is initiated at exactly same time when an incoming call come in. Outbound call will be dropped with Lose Race status and incoming call will get priority.

- Cancel for incoming calls its canceled when Customer (caller) hangs up the call before its answered by Agent and for outbound when Agent hangup the call. Basically when the originator hangup.

A more technical classification  is here:






Lose race: ['LOSE_RACE']