You can check your daily performance (Stats) by checking the Stats bar from your agent interface.
Agent’s Stats Bar Statistics Description:
- Total Calls - overall total of both inbound and outbound calls
- Inbound calls: This field shows how many inbound calls did the agent receive so far.
- Inbound time: This field shows total time for the inbound calls the agent received so far.
- Outbound calls: This field shows how many outbound calls did the agent make so far.
- Outbound time: This field shows total time for the outbound calls the agent made so far.
- Missed Calls - total missed calls
- Conversations (Whatsapp enabled in Ziwo) - total number of conversations
- New (Whatsapp enabled in Ziwo) - total of new conversations
- Open (Whatsapp enabled in Ziwo) - total of open conversations
- Resolved (Whatsapp enabled in Ziwo) - total of resolved conversations
- Available: This is the total time spent in “Available” status.
- On Break: This is the total time spent in “On Break” status.
- Meeting: This is the total time spent in “Meeting” status.
- Outgoing: This is the total time spent in Available status.
- Staffed: This is the total time spent in “Available”+ “Meeting”+”Outgoing”+"Custom" (If any) statuses.